Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

All articles tagged with "Smashed"

Mistress Luna had this guy watch as she crushed a toy car. She then told him that if that was what she did to a toy car, she was perfectly able and capable of crushing his nuts in a worse manner. The guy was shocked and could not believe what she was saying. He learned his lesson and he never pissed her off again out of fear of getting his balls crushed.

Lady Asmodina wanted to practice how to torture and dominate so she did it to a toy car. The mistress did it because she did not want to look like a novice in front of a loser when she was punishing him. The mistress felt that it was important to gain skills on toys and inanimate objects before she did it to a loser or a slave. She took her time and she became a pro before she punished those who messed with her.

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