Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

All articles tagged with "Crush Passion"

Madame Marissa was itching to crush something so she decided to crush strawberries. She took them from the fridge and she used her bare feet to crush them. She destroyed them and created a mess which she made her slave clean up. She did not want it cleaned up with water. She wanted him to eat and lick the mess till it was all over. He did it for hours.

Madame Marissa found many toy cars in her basement. She could not remember what they were for or who they belonged to. She remembered that her friend madame Madison liked to crush things so she invited him to her house and they had fun crushing and destroying the toys using their high heels and boots. They had a great time doing it and only stopped after destroying all of them.

Mistress Christin streams her music and she does not need CDs. She could not remember the last time she listened to a CD. So she when she came across a stash of old CDs, she knew she had nothing to do with them and she destroyed them. She crushed them using her high heels and within a matter of minutes, there was nothing left of the CDs but a mess on the floor.

Mistress Christin went to the house of this guy who owed her money. She did not find anything of value except a model house. She crushed it using her high heels and made sure it was completely destroyed. She then gave him an ultimatum on when she wanted her money. She told him if he missed that deadline, then he would have himself to blame for what would happen to him.

Madame Marissa loves taking a walk and when she took one today, she found herself in a skate park which had toy cars abandoned there. She did not stop to think who the cars belonged to. She just crushed them without a second thought using her high heels. It was a lot of fun and within a few minutes, there was nothing left on the skate park but a mess.

Madame Marissa saw her ex in the magazine she had bought and it brought back some unpleasant memories and she found herself destroying the magazine. She threw it down and she descended on it using her boots. She crushed it and squeezed it using her boots and by the time she was done, the magazine was torn and was a pale shadow of its former self. She then threw it in the trash can.

Lady B loves to crush things and today she wanted to crush something expensive. So she went online and found this expensive model house. She bought it and no sooner had it been delivered than she used her boots to crush it. She crushed it with so much gusto that by the time she was done, she was so tired but it was completely destroyed and all that remained was a mess on the floor.

Madame Marissa was mad at her niece and wanted to teach her a lesson. She went and took her favorite toys and she made her watch as she crushed them to pieces. She used her sneakers to crush them and it did not take long for her to destroy the toys. Her niece cried but she was told it was because she was a bad girl and if she did not change, her other toys would get the same treatment.

Lady B was at home when she found the flowers that her boyfriend had bought for her. He had wronged her and wanted to apologize using the flowers. But she was not in the mood for it so she took the flowers and she crushed them using her boots. By the time she was done, there was a fine mess on the floor, and she left it for her boyfriend to clean up.

Mistress BlackDiamoond had no time for teaching her slave how to do things. She wanted him to take initiative and learn how to do them. And the best way she knew how to make a slave take initiative was to humiliate him. She was also supposed to show her friends how to crush a slave so she combined the two and crushed and tortured the slave using her high heels as her friends watched and even joined in.

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