Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

All articles tagged with "Crush Passion"

This mistress had a lot of expectations when it came to the cake that her new chef was to bake for her. She wanted to taste what he baked before her big day as she did not want any disappointment. But when she tasted it, it was one of the worst she had ever tasted and she crushed it because she felt no one had to be tortured by eating it.

When this mistress got bored, she felt that she did not need to go and spend a lot of money outside the house just to try and pass time or have fun. So she rounded up all the toys she had in the house with most of them being stuffed animals and she used them to have fun. She crushed and trampled them for her own fun and she achieved her goal of having fun and passing time.

Lady Shay knows how to get what she wants. She knows how scare guys and to get them in the kind of shape she wants them. Today the mistress wanted to scare this guy into doing what she wanted so she took some toys and she crushed them in his presence and she told him that that was what she would do to him if he did not style up and do what she asked.

It was mistress Rissa's birthday but she was so pissed that she took her birthday cake and she crushed it with her bare feet. She did not care who had bought it for her and she did not care what that person or what those people felt. She was so angry that she did not think straight and she ended up taking out her anger on the cake. She felt better afterwards and she got another one for them to celebrate with.

Lady Asmodina took this toy to the woods to crush it there because she did not want any evidence to be found that she was the one who had crushed it because she knew it would bring a lot of issues if it was found out that she had done it. The mistress wanted to feign ignorance and surprise when it was finally found missing yet she had destroyed it.

Lady Asmodina wanted to practice how to torture and dominate so she did it to a toy car. The mistress did it because she did not want to look like a novice in front of a loser when she was punishing him. The mistress felt that it was important to gain skills on toys and inanimate objects before she did it to a loser or a slave. She took her time and she became a pro before she punished those who messed with her.

This mistress was waiting for her boyfriend so that they could go out to watch a movie as they had planned. She had finished doing all the work she had and now she was bored. So she decided to keep herself busy by trampling as well as crushing toys to pass time. It was the kind of toy she knew would not break so it was fun for her to stomp on it with her bare feet.

Mistress Luna had a lot of time on her hands and she wanted to do sometime to pass time. She found herself crushing and destroying toys she found in her house. She crushed them and destroyed them so quickly that she had to buy more so that she could have something to crush. And she used her sneakers as she did not want to get hurt in the process of crushing them.

Princess Serena was stressed when she got home. She was also angry. She took out her anger on the toys as she did not want to take it out on a person especially one who did not deserve it. She knew if she did not get her anger out, someone was going to suffer through no fault of their own. And that is how she made the decision to crush and destroy toys.

This mistress got home and she had nothing better to do with her time. Looking around for what to do to kill time, she came across toys which she had no use for. So she crushed one of them with her feet and it was fun. She decided to do the same to all the others and in no time, she had managed to destroy all of them and had fun doing it.

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