Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

Mistress Luna observed that this unruly kid was fond of this particular car. So as a way to punish him, she took it and she crushed it using her sneakers. She destroyed it using her sneakers and told her that she would only get him a replacement if he stopped acting spoiled. The kid cried but at the end of the day, he changed so as to get his toy car back.

Lady B wanted to try crush fetish and trampling fetish but she did not know how to go about it. She did not have a slave or any toys to crush. She was not particularly fond of crushing food so she was in a dilemma. But she noticed that she had an air mattress and she thought it would be a good way to try out the fetishes and it ended up being the best idea ever.

Madame Marissa wanted to find out whether her high heels were capable of carrying out her crushing fetish. She put them to the test against toys as she used them to crush the toys. She enjoyed it all and she knew that the heels would do anything she wanted to do. She then tried some toys which were tougher and still she managed to crush and destroy them with her heels.

This guy was used to having his way because he was a bully. But his bullying days were numbered as these mistresses came together to put a stop to his bullying. They used high heels to trample him and they did it all over his body and he felt the pain he had never felt before. He tried to negotiate for his release but they ignored him and made him feel what he made others feel.

These mistresses were pissed at this guy and they knew they had to get back at him. There was nothing else they could do to him so they took his favorite and expensive sheepskin carpet and made it dirty using their sneakers. They had stepped on mud before they trampled and crushed the carpet. He watched helplessly as they did it and wondered how to salvage the situation but it was too late.

Princess Serena was home alone after her friends had left. She had hosted a party the night before and there were a lot of balloons as a result. She did not know what to do with all of them and that is why she chose to crush it. The mistress did it with her high heels and she had the time of her life doing it. It worked out well.

This mistress has cruel punishments when she has been pissed and today was no exception. The mistress used her boots to crush some food and when she had created a mess on the floor, she got this guy to lick her boots as well as to eat the food from the floor. She told him that it was not something negotiable and he had to do exactly as she ordered him.

Goddess Panther loves to crush and today she crushed toy cars for fun. She had never crushed toy cars before and she looked forward to it. The mistress went and bought the toys and she had a great time crushing them. She did not mind making a huge mess on the floor. All that mattered to her was that she had fun and nothing else. Her slave came and cleaned up after her.

Mistress Mila likes to do crazy things and today she chose to crush some toys in her house. After listing down what toys she wanted to crush, she settled on toy cars. She then went ahead and she used her sneakers to crush the toy and destroy it completely. She had a lot of fun as she did it and she took another toy and she crushed it for fun.

Mistress Sophia found a toy plane in her trash and she did not have any use for it. So she kept herself occupied as she destroyed it for fun. The mistress had a great time doing so and she did not notice how time flew. She was having a great time and she knew it was something she wanted to do again and again. So she went out and bought some more toys.

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