Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

Lady B did not like how her slave made sausages. She liked them a certain way and her boyfriend did not prepare them her way. She could not eat what he had prepared and she had to show him how much she disliked them. She crushed them with her sneakers and created a mess on the floor and warned him that if he cooked them his way next time, she would crush them and make him eat them from the soles of her shoes.

Lady B is a crush addict. She loves to crush and to make it interesting for herself, she loves to crush all kinds of things. Today she wore her gumboots and she went out to the woods. She would find random things and crush them and she had fun doing it. She could not believe how much time had passed and she had to run back and get home before dark.

Madame Marissa loves to crush things under her feet but she has never crushed food before. She wanted to try it today and she did so in her kitchen. She took some tomatoes and she crushed them on the floor. She also did the same to some fruits and she created a huge mess on the floor. Then she asked her slave to clean it up. He was glad he was not the one being crushed.

Lady B and mistress Christin could not get ahold of this guy who owed them money. So they stormed his house and when they could not get him there either, they crushed pics and paintings on his wall. They did a lot of damage with their high heel boots. They wanted to do enough damage to cover the amount of money that he owed them. Then they left his house in a mess.

Madame Marissa likes to crush things and today she was bored so she took a drive to the woods and she parked her car and walked into the woods with her boots on. She had a doll in hand and she crushed it as she walked and she destroyed it by the time she felt it was time to get back to her car and head home. But she had fun and she passed time.

Lady B had bought an item from the internet but she was shocked to learn that she had received the wrong package. She found a toy inside and she was pissed about it. Instead of returning the toy train, she assembled it together in anger and she crushed it and destroyed it. She did not even remember that it was now impossible to get a refund of her money since she had destroyed the toy train.

Madame Marissa loves crushing things and especially toys. But today she felt like crushing something else. After much thought, she decided to crush gummy bears. She bought many and she threw them on the floor and she used her sneakers to crush them. She loved that they were not easy to crush and it took a little effort from her to do it. It was a lot of fun for her.

Lady B is a crush queen. There are few things that make her as happy as crushing things with her high heels does. She was crushing this guitar today. It belonged to this guy who had cheated on her. She knew it was his favorite and it was expensive but she did not give a shit. She destroyed it to send a message to him and then she left the pieces for him to find.

Madame Marissa likes things that work efficiently. She had been more than patient with her printer. It was now time to get a new one so she did what she does best to items that are not performing as she expects and she crushed it. She stomped on it using her high heels and she made sure there was nothing of value left. She only left it in pieces and she created a huge pile of crap in the process.

When this mistress found out that the strawberries in her fridge had gone bad, she was pissed at her slave as she deemed it wastage of resources. Luckily for the slave, he was not around so she could not punish him. She took out her anger on the strawberries themselves. She crushed them using her high heels and she created a mess on the floor for her slave to clean up.

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