Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

Christin hates this stupid toy truck. She can't wait to destroy it. She throws on a pair sky high black heeled boots and has some real fun. She stomps, tramples, and smushes that little truck with her full body weight. She won't stop until that truck is in tiny little pieces. you won't even know it was a truck when Christin is done with it. It's just a pile of plastic.

Madame Marissa wants to really play with her food. She has a bunch of bananas to play with. Watch she starts with her feet. She tramples the bananas with her full body weight turning them into mush. As if that wasn't enough she sits right down on those bananas and smooshes them some more. She smooshes the bananas with her ass so hard that her ass is completely covered in banana.

Lady B doesn't like this stupid Polly Pocket game. She doesn't just want it gone, she wants it destroyed. She throws on her black heeled boots and has some fun. She walks on it with her full weight, stomps on it, and jumps on it. She does whatever it takes to smash this stupid game into tiny little pieces. She won't stop until there's nothing all of those pieces go flying.

Madame Marissa hates the sight of this doll. She hates everything about it especially its pink dress. She knows exactly what to do to get rid of it. She goes up for a hike after it's been raining and finds a nice muddy spot. She throws that doll right in the mud and goes to town. She jumps and stomps on it until it's completely unrecognizable and its pretty blond her is brown with mud.

Clarissa and Dorothy have such a great time crushing bunches of grapes under their full body weight. They won't stop until every grape is completely pulverized and floor is covered in grape juice. Once they're done they decide to lick all of the grape pieces and juice off of the other's feet. Watch as the suck every inch of each foot and make sure not to miss the toes either.

Angel can't stand the sight of this little pink car and doll. It really pisses her off. Angel throws on a pair of her dirty black leather work heels and goes to town. She stomps, tramples, and smooshes both of them with her full body weight. She doesn't stop until the car is completely destroyed, all of its pieces are scattered across the floor, and it's totally and completely unrecognizable.

Watch what happens when one of Madame Marissa's fans is stupid enough to send her one of his valuable watches. It's a beautiful day out and she decides to go for a hike. She takes the watch and instead of putting it on her wrist she puts it around one of her hiking boots. Watch her jump, stomp, and smoosh this poor watch until it is completely broken apart.

Watch Nemesis go to town on these poor toy race cars. She's really come to play in her sky high black and silver platform heels and leather dress. Watch as she pulverizes these toy cars under the power of her heels. She will stomp and squish these toys under her full body weight. She won't stop until those cars are in a million little pieces on the ground beneath her.

Lady b is ready to play her own type of pinball. She's got on her grey heeled boots and she's ready to play. Watch as she uses her heels to stomp and break the pinball game. Watch as jumps up and down on the poor game.She won't stop until the game is completely destroyed. It's only fun for her if the game is in a million little pieces.

Candy Blade has such a great time crushing a few kiwis with her glorious feet. Watch these small kiwis turn to mush and goo under the power of her feet. She doesn't stop squashing them until they're nothing more than a pile of juice and skin under her feet. She licks all the juice off her feet to cap off the fun. Watch as she slurps up every ounce of kiwi off her feet.

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