Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

This mistress wanted to crush things with her bare feet and she had to look for something she could crush with her bare feet without hurting herself. So she settled on crushing oranges because there was no risk of her hurting herself in the process of doing it. It was a lot of fun for her and she had a great time doing it. And she loved it and resolved to do it again.

This mistress wanted to crush toys with her shoes so she took them out and she threw them on the floor. She followed it up with her crushing and in no time, she had destroyed them all. She had bought them so that she could crush them and get to understand why other mistresses loved it. She did not get why they did because it was not her cup of tea.

Lady Sandy wanted to crush this toy car because her son played with it all the time until he forgot all other responsibilities he had such as his house chores or even his homework. So she crushed it with her shoes when he slept so that when he woke up tomorrow, he would not find it and he would have to do without it. He tried to beg her for a new one but he had to change first.

This guy had conned mistress Isil and mistress Sassou and he had left them a teddy bear instead of an expensive package. The mistresses were so angry at him that they had to take it out of something or someone and that is how they took it out of the teddy bear. They crushed and trampled and stomped on it until their anger subsided. They then plotted how to get the guy and to make him pay.

Mistress Lea was bored in the house and she craved something to do to pass time and that is why she chose to crush her nuts. The mistress did not care about the mess she made on the floor as she crushed the nuts with her boots. The mistress enjoyed herself since she knew that she could easily get someone else to clean up after her so she concentrated on having fun and crushing.

The main reason this mistress chose to crush these bananas with her bare feet was because she wanted to scare her slave. The slave had been taking a lot for granted and the mistress felt that it was up to her to teach him a lesson and that is why she went out of her way to do it. She warned him that he would suffer the same fate as the bananas if he did not adhere to her instructions. In addition, he was made to eat the crushed bananas from the floor.

This loser deserved to be punished and this mistress did it with her sneakers. She took him to the woods where she crushed him for fun and did not care what he felt as there were no people there. He screamed until he could not scream anymore. And she laughed at him as she crushed and trampled on him as painfully as she was able to before she dragged him to the car.

Mistress Alexia paid this guy to provide solutions but he was illogical and she did not like that very much. She had to make sure he learned to provide the solutions that she paid him for and so she trampled and crushed him to the point that he learned what she wanted. He felt the pain and the humiliation and that is how he changed and did what she expected.

Mistress Mira was expecting some good news but instead she got bad news. She could not believe what she was reading on her laptop and she was so pissed to the extent that she crushed her laptop because it was the one which bore the bad news. The mistress only realized what she had done when she was done destroying the laptop and she had calmed down. She planned to buy a new one.

This mistress was angered by her son to the extent that she went and took out his toy cars and she took out her anger on them. She knew she could not hit him and so she crushed the toy cars instead. She made sure they were all destroyed and she was not going to buy him new ones until he changed his behavior and he learned how to be a respectful child.

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