Crushed under Feet

Stuff crushed under girl's feet

This mistress loves to crush stuff for fun. She does not like to crush people because she hates seeing them crying and she hates how they beg her for mercy. So today she took some clementines and she crushed them for her enjoyment. She created a huge mess as their juice was all over the floor. She however did not mind it as she had a slave to clean it up.

Madame Marissa did not know who the toy cars that she found in her house belonged to. She did not care to ask so she destroyed them for fun. It was one of those days when she did not feel sleepy and she had nothing better to do. So she kept herself busy crushing the toys using her high heels. She had a lot of fun and thought she should do it more often.

Lady B did not care that this old radio could one day be worth a lot of money. She just does not like ancient technology so she destroyed it. She even called her friend mistress Christin and both mistresses used their high heels to crush and destroy the old radio. It was toughly built and it took them some time to crush and destroy it but they managed to do it.

Madame Marissa did not like how her neighbor's kids played pranks on her. They knew she hated toys so they threw some to her house and enjoyed watching her furiously throw them away. Today however she did not throw the toy cars for them to get. She crushed them using her high heels and destroyed them completely. She threw the remains of the toy into the trash for them to find.

Lady B likes to buy things to crush. She usually goes to the store and buys things which people assume she is going to need or she loves but when she reaches home, all she does is to crush them and destroy them. She loves to use her high heel boots to crush them and destroy them. It makes her feel powerful and she feels like a giantess when she does it.

Madame Marissa had a new laptop and this one was ancient technology. It was slow and did not support a lot of new technology. She had no use for it so she threw it down and since she had nothing better to do, she spent a lot of time crushing it and destroying it using her high heels. She managed to create a huge mess which she made her slave clean.

Lady B did not like the kind of dinner that she was given by her slave. She is a foodie and loves good food. So she was offended at what her slave served her. She used her boots to crush it and she did it in front of him. When she was done crushing the food, she made him eat it from the floor as well as from the soles of her boots.

Princess Serena likes to crush. It is the one thing that she can do whether she is happy, sad or bored. Today when she came home from work, she did not have anything to crush. She normally crushed toys and fruits but today she did not feel like crushing any of those. She found some balloons in her house so she inflated them and she had fun crushing them using her heels.

This mistress loves toys. She is one of the few mistresses who likes them. She likes to have them and to play with them. However, when she finds newer and better ones, she likes to destroy the old ones. And her best way of doing it is to use her high heels to crush and stomp on them. The toys cannot withstand her weight and are usually destroyed in a matter of minutes.

Madame Marissa did not want this loser's dirty money. She knew what he did for a living so she did not want to take his money. He left it for her and she took it and she went for a walk. She placed it on the tarmac and she crushed it with her sneakers. She destroyed it and took a video which she sent to him when she got back.

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